Why Us

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Ranked as one of the Top Business Schools by global higher education ranking and rating agency, Eduniversal, with 4 Palmes of Excellence.

The Hebrew University at Jerusalem Israel is recognized for its excellence around the world. 

In 2019, the University was proud to be accredited by AACSB International, the world’s largest business education alliance which recognizes institutions that have demonstrated a focus on excellence in all areas, including teaching, research, curriculum development, and student learning.

The Hebrew University Business School itself is recognized as being the top academic business school in Israel according to international rankings. Global higher education ranking and rating agency, Eduniversal, has awarded the Hebrew University Business School 4 Palmes of Excellence.

AACSB International Academic Ranking of World Universities Eduniversal Business School Ranking


The Jerusalem Factor

Aside from academics, studying at HUBS is an incredible cultural experience. HUBS is situated on Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus Campus with breathtaking views of Jerusalem, the heart of the Startup Nation. Jerusalem is home to many cultures, a world of history and modernity, and truly offers an enriching experience in and of itself. The city is Israel’s heart of innovation, and various programs are located locally to support entrepreneurs and startups.



Our mentorship program gives students the opportunity to be guided by HUBS alumni who now hold senior positions in the industry or public sector. Mentors share their experience and networks with their mentees, and it is an invaluable opportunity for personal and professional growth. 

Students meet with their mentors regularly one-on-one and also in groups. The meetings may be discussions about work culture or tours of high-tech companies; it all depends on the mentors and mentees.

To ensure that students are paired with the mentor best suited to them and their areas of interest, there is an online application process followed by a telephone interview.



We treasure our past students, and arrange annual meetings for HUBS alumni to network. We also have LinkedIn and Facebook groups for all HUBS alumni where we share upcoming events, conferences and general news.


For our international students, we have two alumni representatives in China and India who can answer any questions you may have about studying at HUBS.

INDIA: Mr. Keith Soares – Head of Alumni Relations in India (immanuel.soares@mail.huji.ac.il)

CHINA: Mrs. Guo Yonghong – Head of Alumni Relations in China (guo_yonghong@163.com or Wechat ID daisyguo945)